Friday, July 10, 2009

Taking Responsibility-Leadership

People tend to blame each other when they are asked why thin weren’t progessing as planned. Intellectuals know that blaming others for bad circumstances is not a healthy habit. Why do people do this? what positive result does it bring? why is it so hard to stop? Wouldn’t they be better off it they ceased and desisted?

Blamming others is one of the worst things someone can do in relation to emotional integrity. It is distantly related to an addiction. Pretty soon almost everything that does not happen according to his liking becomes someone else’s fault.

If someone wants to become a progessive leader – if excellence and success is his motto in life – then blaming others cannot be tolerated. There are several steps to help people overcome the blaming addiction and take responsibility for themselves. They are:
 Be aware. Too often someone falls to notice that he is playing the blame game. It’s a natural defence mechanism. Paying attention to how he responds when he is quistioned about his actions or performance is the first step in taking responsibility.
 Respond responsibly. Just as blaming is a defensive more, so is reacting. Rather than react – he should respond. He has a choice of reacting impulsively or responding cautiously to the situation.
 Be honest. Let’s face it – some people simply like to place blame in order to be relieved of responsibility. That shows a huge lack of self – honesty.
 Don’t burn bridges. What happens to relationships when someone places from his co-workers, peers, vendors and others by pointing fingers.
 Be a good role model. When others see someone accepting responsibility for his actions – and when they see the extraordinary results he is getting – he makes the statement that blame placing is not acceptable behaviour.
 Have a positive and grateful attitude. Being a progressive leader means being a highly effective leader, and accepting nothing less than excellence from someone and others.

1. Revolve : Berkisar, berputar
2. Admit : Mengakui
3. Revive : Tumbuh lagi, bangun kembali, giat lagi
4. Refugee : Pengungsi
5. Coach : Melatih
6. Revelation : Wahyu, Petunjuk
7. Cease : Berhenti
8. Desisted : Diberhentikan
9. Integrity : Ketulusan hati, kejujuran, nintegritas
10. Defensive : Sifat bertahan
11. Relieve : Meringankan
12. React : Bereaksi
13. Alienate : Mengasingkan diri, menjauhkan diri
14. Peer : Kawan sebaya, kawan sekerja
15. Extraordinary : Luar biasa

1. According to the writer, is blaming others a healthy habit?
2. What do you think the job of the writer
3. Can blaming others be tolerated?
4. How many steps are there to overcome the blaming addiction?
5. Should a personnel respond to some questions of his actions if he takes the responsibility?
6. What may happen to someone when he or she places blame to others?
7. Can placing blame on others relieve us from responsibility?
8. What do the most people do to relieve us from responsibility?
9. Find the word or phrases that means, “to do something that you can’t change?
10. Should a manager be thankful to his staff?

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