Friday, December 4, 2009


Nilai mid test

GURUH (40)
RUSI (35)
JAIS (35)
TAHTA (50)
JOYO (50)
DIDA (75)


Nilai mid test

UPIT (80)
HERRY (70)
AKIP (75)
LOREN (50)


Nilai mid test

NOLA (70)
ARMAN (40)
ASWIN (70)
E. MARIO (75)
ANDI (65)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Verb adalah kata yang melukiskan action atau tindakan yang dilakukan oleh subject. Apabila verb dalam bentuk tunggal (singular) maka subject juga harus dalam bentuk tunggal; bilamana verb dalam bentuk jamak (plural) maka verb juga harus dalam bentuk jamak. Jika subject berupa orang pertama, kedua, atau ketiga, bentuk verb disesuaikan. Peersesuaian antara subject dan verb ini disebut agreement. Perhatikan contoh berikut:
1. The manager meets the visitor in his office.
2. The managers meet the visitors in their office.

Dalam kalimat pertama subject berupa orang ketiga tunggal manager diikuti verb untuk orang ketiga tunggal meets.
Dalam kalimat kedua subject berupa orang ketiga jamak managers diikuti verb orang ketiga jamak meet.

Penambahan akhiran –s/-es pada subject kalimat kedua diatas menunjukkan bahwa subject adalah kata benda jamak. Tidak adanya penambahan –s/-es pada subject kalimat pertama menunjukkan bahwa subject berupa sebuah kata benda tunggal.

Akhirnya yang berupa penambahan –s/-es pada verb menyatakan bahwa verb tersebut berbentuk tunggal. Verb yang tidak disertai penambahan –s/-es berbentuk jamak. Ketentuan ini hanya berlaku pada present tense verbs saja.
Singular pronouns berikut ini tergolong singular. Apabila menduduki posisi subject kalimat maka digunakan singular verb.

Anyone, anybody, anything, everyone, everybody, everything, someone, somebody, something, one, nobody, no one, each, either, neither, nothing.

1. Anyone is eligible to apply for the position.
2. Anything goes.
3. Everybody here plans to attend.
4. Each person here is expected to contribute
5. Many a satisfied consumer has passed through these doors

Choose the form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. Many people (exercise, exercises) everyday.
2. Several items (am, is, are) out of stock.
3. Neither model (am, is, are) very expensive
4. Everyone (try, tries) to help
5. The folders (was, were) lying on your desk.
6. Neither report (was, were) accurate.
7. One of those machine (cost, costs) about $500
8. The owners of the store (plan, plans) to remodel it.
9. Neither of the reports (include, includes) charts.
10. The result (has, have) been increased sales.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Kalimat adalah sekelompok kata yang mengungkapkan pikiran atau informasi. Setiap kalimat terdiri atas dua unsur pokok: Subject dan Predicate.

Subject adalah bagian kalimat yang menyatakan apa atau siapa yang menjadi pokok pembicaraan kalimat.

Predicate adalah bagian kalimat yang mengungkapkan apa yang dilakukan oleh subject, atau apa yang terjadi atas subject. Subject berupa noun atau pronoun dalam bentuk tunggal atau jamak. Predicate berupa verb atau verb phrase.

In each of the following sentences, separate the subject and predicate with a slash (/).
  • The employees/work in a business firm.
  • The target of business/is consumers
1. A business produces goods and services.
2. Individuals own the factors of production.
3. Business needs people as owners, managers, employees and consumers.
4. People need business for the production of goods and services.
5. A manager is responsible for operating the business.
6. A professional manager attempts to achieve the objective of the business.
7. Employees supply the skills and abilities.
8. They expect to receive a wage.
9. The consumers want better goods and services.
10. A business enterprise attempts to satisfy such business.
11. The human element is the core of business.
12. A consumer is a person or a business that purchase a product of as business.
13. The profit motive is the desire to make a profit as reward for taking risk.
14. Profit is total sales minus the cost of production.
15. A profit is not always gained.

Monday, September 21, 2009



What is the difference between leadership and management?
This is the process of setting objectives and making the most efficient use of financial, human and physical resources to achieve these objectives. Key tasks include planning, control and co-ordination.

Influencing others to achieve certain aims or objectives. Effective leadership skills can help a manager to carry out their duties

What do Leaders do?
• Decide upon objectives for the organisation
• Provide expertise and set standards fort the organisation
• Decide upon company structure and shape the culture of the business

What makes a good leader?
A good leader will be informed and knowledgeable about matters relating to the business
A good leader should be self-motivated and desire to achieve great things
A good leader should possess an air for authority
A good leader would have the ability to think creatively and to solve problems

Styles of Leadership…
There are three basic categories of leadership style…
Autocratic or authoritarian leadership
Paternalistic leadership
Democratic leadership

Authoritarian or Autocratic Leadership
Such leaders would have considerable sympathy with the views expressed by Taylor.
Such leaders…
• Take decisions with little involvement of junior employees
• Allocate tasks
• Set objectives
• Will contain total control throughout

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Commonly Confused Words

Words that sound alike or nearly alike but have different meanings often cause writers trouble. Here are a few of the most common pairs with correct definitions and examples:

• ACCEPT-to receive
He accepts defeat well.

EXCEPT-to take or leave out
Please take all the books off the shelf except for the red one.

• AFFECT-to influence
Lack of sleep affects the quality of your work.

EFFECT-n., result, v., to accomplish
The subtle effect of the lighting made the room look ominous.

Can the university effect such a change without disrupting classes?

• A LOT (two words)-many.

ALOT (one word)-Not the correct form.

• ALLUSION-an indirect reference
The professor made an allusion to Virginia Woolf's work.

ILLUSION-a false perception of reality
They saw a mirage: that is a type of illusion one sees in the desert.

• ALL READY-prepared
Dinner was all ready when the guests arrived.

ALREADY-by this time
The turkey was already burned when the guests arrived.

• ALTOGETHER-entirely
Altogether, I thought that the student's presentation was well planned.

ALL TOGETHER-gathered, with everything in one place
We were all together at the family reunion last spring.

• APART-to be separated
The chain-link fence kept the angry dogs apart. OR My old car fell apart before we reached California.

A PART-to be joined with
The new course was a part of the new field of study at the university. OR A part of this plan involves getting started at dawn.

• ASCENT- climb
The plane's ascent made my ears pop.

The martian assented to undergo experiments.

• BREATH-noun, air inhaled or exhaled
You could see his breath in the cold air.

BREATHE-verb, to inhale or exhale
If you don't breathe, then you are dead.

• CAPITAL-seat of government. Also financial resources.
The capital of Virginia is Richmond.

The firm had enough capital to build the new plant.

CAPITOL-the actual building in which the legislative body meets
The governor announced his resignation in a speech given at the capitol today.

• CITE-to quote or document
I cited ten quotes from the same author in my paper.

The sight of the American flag arouses different emotions in different parts of the world.

SITE-position or place
The new office building was built on the site of a cemetary.

• COMPLEMENT-noun, something that completes; verb, to complete
A nice dry white wine complements a seafood entree.

COMPLIMENT-noun, praise; verb, to praise
The professor complimented Betty on her proper use of a comma.

• CONSCIENCE-sense of right and wrong
The student's conscience kept him from cheating on the exam.

I was conscious when the burglar entered the house.

• COUNCIL-a group that consults or advises
The men and women on the council voted in favor of an outdoor concert in their town.

COUNSEL-to advise
The parole officer counseled the convict before he was released.

• ELICIT-to draw or bring out
The teacher elicited the correct response from the student.

The Columbian drug lord was arrested for his illicit activities.

• EMINENT-famous, respected
The eminent podiatrist won the Physician of the Year award.

IMMANENT-inherent or intrinsic
The meaning of the poem was immanent, and not easily recognized.

IMMINENT-ready to take place
A fight between my sister and me is imminent from the moment I enter my house.

• ITS-of or belonging to it
The baby will scream as soon as its mother walks out of the room.

IT'S-contraction for it is
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

• LEAD-noun, a type of metal
Is that pipe made of lead?

LED-verb, past tense of the verb "to lead"
She led the campers on an over-night hike.

• LIE-to lie down (a person or animal. hint: people can tell lies)
I have a headache, so I'm going to lie down for a while.

(also lying, lay, has/have lain--The dog has lain in the shade all day; yesterday, the dog lay there for twelve hours).

LAY-to lay an object down.
"Lay down that shotgun, Pappy!" The sheriff demanded of the crazed moonshiner.

The town lay at the foot of the mountain.

(also laying, laid, has/have laid--At that point, Pappy laid the shotgun on the ground).

• LOSE--verb, to misplace or not win
Mom glared at Mikey. "If you lose that new lunchbox, don't even think of coming home!"

LOOSE--adjective, to not be tight; verb (rarely used)--to release
The burglar's pants were so loose that he was sure to lose the race with the cop chasing him.
While awaiting trial, he was never set loose from jail because no one would post his bail.

• NOVEL-noun, a book that is a work of fiction. Do not use "novel" for nonfiction; use "book" or "work."
Mark Twain wrote his novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn when he was already well known, but before he published many other works of fiction and nonfiction.

• PASSED-verb, past tense of "to pass," to have moved
The tornado passed through the city quickly, but it caused great damage.

PAST-belonging to a former time or place
Who was the past president of Microsquish Computers?

Go past the fire station and turn right.

• PRECEDE-to come before
Pre-writing precedes the rough draft of good papers.

PROCEED-to go forward
He proceeded to pass back the failing grades on the exam.

• PRINCIPAL-adjective, most important; noun, a person who has authority
The principal ingredient in chocolate chip cookies is chocolate chips.

The principal of the school does the announcements each morning.

PRINCIPLE-a general or fundamental truth
The study was based on the principle of gravity.

• QUOTE-verb, to cite
I would like to quote Dickens in my next paper.

QUOTATION-noun, the act of citing
The book of famous quotations inspired us all.

• STATIONARY-standing still
The accident was my fault because I ran into a stationary object.

STATIONERY-writing paper
My mother bought me stationery that was on recycled paper.

• SUPPOSED TO-correct form for "to be obligated to" or "presumed to" NOT "suppose to"

SUPPOSE-to guess or make a conjecture
Do you suppose we will get to the airport on time? When is our plane supposed to arrive? We are supposed to check our bags before we board, but I suppose we could do that at the curb and save time.

• THAN-use with comparisons
I would rather go out to eat than eat at the dining hall.

THEN-at that time, or next
I studied for my exam for seven hours, and then I went to bed.

• THEIR-possessive form of they
Their house is at the end of the block.

THERE-indicates location (hint: think of "here and there")
There goes my chance of winning the lottery!

THEY'RE-contraction for "they are"
They're in Europe for the summer--again!

• THROUGH-by means of; finished; into or out of
He plowed right through the other team's defensive line.

THREW-past tense of throw
She threw away his love love letters.

THOROUGH-careful or complete
John thoroughly cleaned his room; there was not even a speck of dust when he finished.

THOUGH-however; nevertheless
He's really a sweetheart though he looks tough on the outside.

THRU-abbreviated slang for through; not appropriate in standard writing
We're thru for the day!

• TO-toward
I went to the University of Richmond.

TOO-also, or excessively
He drank too many screwdrivers and was unable to drive home.

TWO-a number
Only two students did not turn in the assignment.

• WHO-pronoun, referring to a person or persons
Jane wondered how Jack, who is so smart, could be having difficulties in Calculus.

WHICH-pronoun, replacing a singular or plural thing(s);not used to refer to persons
Which section of history did you get into?

THAT-used to refer to things or a group or class of people
I lost the book that I bought last week.

• WHO-used as a subject or as a subject complement (see above)
John is the man who can get the job done.

WHOM-used as an object
Whom did Sarah choose as her replacement?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nilai Bahasa Inggris semester 2

Nilai Bahasa Inggris 2 Universitas AKI Ngabang th 2009
download nilai

The Magic Sound

Alexander Graham Bell is famous for the invention of telecommunication, one of the important devices that has helped to build modern live. Born in Edinburg, Scotland, on March 3, 1847. Bell was educated at Edinburg High School and at the Edinburgh Universities of Edinburgh and London. Teaching deaf people was the Bell family’s profession. His grandfather has also taught deaf people in Scotland. Alexander Graham Bell did not only teach the deaf, he did even more than that. He opened a private school to train teachers for the deaf.

At Boston University he studied the sciences of speech and later he became a professor there. In 1874 he started working on his electricity merely to help the deaf. He tried to discover a way through which people could talk other over short distance through a string of wire. So, he experimented to send sound vibrations over long distance by using electricity.

In 1875, after Thomas A. Watson had become his assistant, the two of them found that the vibrations could be send from one place to another by using electronic current. Early in 1876 the first message “Mr. Watson, come here; I want you” was sent successfully by Bell over an electronic wire to Watson two floors above.

Bell’s telephone consisted on two similar instruments; one for the transmitter and the other for the receiver. Each one had an electro-magnet, consisting of a piece iron which was made magnetic by wire carrying an electronic current coiled around it. They are very thin sheet of iron, called line wires, joining the transmitter to the receiver. Speech sound waves caused the diaphragms of the transmitting instrument to vibrate in tune with the vibrations in the transmitter. Thus, the sounds delivered to the receiver were heard coming from the transmitter a long distance away.

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. What did Bell have in mind when in 1874 he started his effort to invent a device for sending speech?
2. What was the first message Bell sent?
3. What was the function of the coiled around you?
4. Where did Bell study the science of speech?
5. When did Thomas A. Watson become his assistant?
6. How was the transmitter and receiver connected?
7. Mention the instruments of Bell’s telephone!
8. Where was diaphragm put?

Electronic Media

At the end of the nineteenth century newspaper were the main public sources of information. At the end of the twentieth century, was still have newspaper, but they are no longer the main sources of information. Nowadays we have the electronic media, the internet, radio and television.
The electronic media link Indonesia to the rest of the world. The electronic media make us part of global village. If we want to find out what is happening in Europe of the United States, we can listen to satellite TV stations, such as BBC or CNN. We can talk in English to people from all over the world.

In the twenty first century the internet will be the most important source of information. Even now there is so much information on the internet. Soon people will not buy newspaper from kiosks anymore. They will read electronic newspaper on internet. All the television channel will be on the internet. If you get tried of watching TVRI, you will be able to switch to a New York Channel or a channel from Argentina or Ireland.

Answer the following questions based on the reading above!
1. According to the text what are the main sources of information now?
2. Which of the electronic media help us find out what the ordinary people think?
3. According to the writer, what will be the main source of information in the twenty first century?
4. Where will people read electronic newspaper?
5. How can we find out what normal people in many countries think?

Programming Languages

There are many different programming languages. Most programming languages can be used for different applications, although some are better designed for specific uses than others. Many programming languages have long and complicated names which are usually reduced to acronyms. These include ALGOL (Algorithmic Language), a language generally used for scientific programming and APL (A Programming Language), used mainly for mathematical application. There are literally hundreds more programming languages, including BASIC, COBOL, and FORTRAN, which are currently among most popular and frequently used languages.

BAISC, stands for Beginner’s All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was developed in 1965 at Dsrtmouth College by Dr. John Kemeny and Dr. Thomas Kurtz. BASIC was originally designed to be used by college students in many fields. It was also designed to be easier and more versatile than others, more scientific language. In addition, BASIC was designed as an interactive language. An interactive language in one which is much more communicative language allows interaction – type of conversation – between the computer and the user both during the preparation of programs and their execution.

BASIC is much less complicated than other programming languages. As it is easier and friendlier than many other languages, BASIC is the most frequently used programming language among the general population. BASIC continuous to become more and more popular everyday especially for personal and educational uses.

FORTAN, stands for formula Translation and was first developed by IBM from 1954 – 1957. It has since gone through several revisions, and was put into a final and standard form in 1977. FORTAN is more complicated and structured than BASIC and is generally harder to master. It is not designed for interactive purposes, but to express mathematical calculations and scientific formulas as easily and as accurately as possible. FORTAN instructions are stated in a combination of English algebraic formulas. FORTAN is better suited for work with numbers than any other programming languages, and is therefore the most commonly employed language in the scientific and mathematical fields.

COBOL, the acronym for Common Business Oriented Language, is the best and the most popular of all programming languages which have business applications. COBOL was first released in 1960 and was developed to fulfill the needs of both business and government. It has been revised and improved several times, and its present form was approved in 1974. COBOL is more similar to English FORTAN or BASIC. In fact, statements in COBOL are so English – like that they are quite easy to read because they use English verbs such as read, write, add, or subtract to express computer functions.

PASCAL, was first used in the early 1970’s, is not an acronym like BASIC or FORTAN. Rather, Pascal was named for Blaise Pascal, the developer of one of the earliest calculating machines. Pascal, a multipurpose language, can be used for many people feel it will one day be more commonly used for programming micro computers than BASIC.

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. How many programming languages do you know? Can you mention them?
2. What computer language do most programmers use?
3. What is meant by BASIC as an interactive language?
4. What computer language is mostly used in science?
5. Who first developed FORTAN?
6. When was FORTAN out into standard?
7. How does COBOL expresses the computer functions?
8. Why is FORTAN more difficult to master?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Large System

It is impossible to know how minicomputers and mainframes are related to one another. The difference lies in their processing ability and the capacity of their primary storage. Microcomputers are the smallest, with a primary storage range of 4 to 64 K bytes, as well as the slowest, while minicomputers have a primary storage range 16 to 512 K bytes and greater processing speed. Mainframes are the fastest and can have over 1 M bytes in primary storage. They are commonly used in time sharing systems.

In a time sharing system, many companies log on to the same computer via telephone lines. To do this, a modem should be installed. A modem enables a computer to transmit data over telephone lines. A telephone line used only for data communication is called distributed data processing. The opposite concept – a centrally located computer system – is called centralized data processing.

With distributed data processing, the branch communities with the CPU via a terminal. A terminal located away from the CPU is referred to as a remote device. It can be a visual display or hard copy terminal connected by telephone lines; but it can also be a secondary storage device or even a card reader, that is an input device that transfers data from punched cards to primary storage.

In this case, punch cards are coded in Hollerith code and contain 80 columns in which holes can be punched. There are twelve rows in each column. The pattern of holes in the column determines the character being represented. The holes are punched with a key punch which has a keyboard similar to that of a typewriter. However, only 80 characters can be recorded in a card reader. Of course it is very slow process of input devices; however, for batch processing, it is considered a very useful method of input.

In this respect, supermarkets often use a similar method with which a Universal Product Code (CPU) is printed on a label. The CPU includes information, such as the product, the manufacturer and the price. All of that information from the label. It is in fact a terminal which can be used to keep inventory.

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. What is the primary storage range of microcomputers?
2. What is commonly used in time sharing systems?
3. What can a modem do?
4. What is meant by dedicated line?
5. What is the difference between “distributed data processing” and centrally located computer system?
6. How are punched cards coded?
7. Why can only 80 characters be recorded on a punched card?
8. What is CPU?

Operating Systems

An application program designed to manipulate data rather than govern the operation of the computer. A group of programs which governs the computer’s operations is called the operating system. With older computer, a computer operator was responsible for taking care of many duties: setting switches on the computer, loading the correct translator, putting data cards, and the like. While these duties being performed, the expensive computer was idle. Thus, it wasted a lot of money.

Therefore, the operating system was designed to reduce the need for human activity and to allow the computer to perform these activities at electronic speed. The operating system is made up of the major programs. The supervisor program, such as the supervisor, translator, and utility programs. The supervisor program, for example, is the most important part of the operating system because it provides overall control of the computer system. There are two types of translators: compilers, which has been previously discussed, and the assemblers. The compilers are supposed to translate a high level language into machine language; and the assemblers translate symbolic language into machine language.

Next is utility program. It performs jobs commonly required in most data processing systems, such as sorting and copying. The operating systems are supplied by computer manufacturer and are usually machine dependent.

There are some other techniques to improve computer efficiency. Multiprogramming, for example, makes it possible to run more than one program at a time. The CPU can perform calculating on one program while other programs are using input and output devices. This makes for greater throughout. Another example is the data base, Functioning as the centralized collection of data. Data base management system is a group of programs that maintains the data base. Look at the system flowchart. It will show how the data flows from one component of the system to another.

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. What is an applications program?
2. What were the duties of a computer operator in the old days?
3. Why was such a system said to be wasting time?
4. What programs make up the operating system?
5. What does the supervisor program do?
6. What does the utility program do?
7. What is the function of multiprogramming?
8. What is the data base?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Programming Tools

There are a number of rules to follow in writing good programs. Years ago good programs simply ran and got results. However, in today’s world, programs the run well are not necessarily good. Despite producing correct results, as expected, a program may still have problems. For instance, a program needs modification which can be very difficult in a complicated program. For this, flowcharting is very important and helpful to the programmer.

Structured programming refers to group of techniques used to make programming easier. When programmers use these techniques, less time is required, there are fewer errors, and programs are easier to modify. Structured programs rely on the use of subroutines.

What are subroutines? There are times when the computer should perform a specific task several times within a program, or even throughout many program. Rather than rewriting the same instructions every time the task needs to be done, a programmer can write the instructions once, as a subroutine, and the computer is directed to the subroutine whenever necessary. This also has something to do with a loop (in flowcharting), namely a sequence of instructions in a program that can be executed repetitively until an exit criterion is met. One loop cycle is called a pass, and a nested loop is a loop within a loop.

In a program flowchart, there is what is called decision tree. It is a type of program flowchart. The base of the tree is usually at the left, with branches drawn from left to right. The branches represent different outcomes to various decisions. Unlike other flowcharts, the branches are never rejoined.
With regard to programming, the differences between a decision tree and a decision table should be made. The decision tree is a diagram, while the decision table is a chart. Finally the term pseudo code, or simply a pseudo code design refers to a design resembling a correctly coded program. It is a sequence of English sentence that uses only a few words. These key words correspond to the structures found in the program instructions. Many people think pseudo code is easier to write and modify than program flowchart.

A. Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. How can a programmer write good programs?
2. How important is “structured programming”?
3. What is a Subroutine?
4. What is a decision tree?
5. What is a pseudo code design?
6. What is a decision table?
7. What is represented by the branches?
8. It in “it is a type of program flowchart” refers to …

Monday, July 20, 2009

Key to Telebusiness success: Keeping it all together

An effective telesales of telemarketing organization should start with a simple question: Where to put it? The physical location of a telebusiness department can be one of the most essential factors to its success. In this regard, telebusiness models fall into two broad categories: centralized and decentralized. These two fundamental models can be compared to answer an important question about how to build a telebusiness program that works.
What’s the difference?
If a telebusiness department is decentralized, its staff as spread among two or more offices.
Centralized telebusiness departments come in two flavors. They can operate at the corporate headquarters or might do business out of a single location that is separate from the corporate offices.
There are some reasons someone operates telebusinesss staff out of a single location:

1. Clear communications. Centralizing this telebusiness team enables him to better manage the entire staff and control the quality of telemarketing and telesales efforts. Another key point here is that telesales and telemarketing messaging is ever evolving. As products change, competitors appear and markets mature, the value proposition communicated by his telebusiness staff must be quickly pressed forward.

2. Better teamwork. The importance of morale cannot be overstated. A single, cohesive telebusiness team will encourage and motivate each other through long hours of hard work on the phones. Group exercises, such as role-playing, will improve the productivity of each telesales and telemarketing representative. A centralized telebusiness organization also enables him to make the most of his team. With a close eye on the skills of each member of the group, his managers can better judge when to promote an employee from in-bound calls to cold calling, or from qualifying leads to making sales.

3. Reduce costs. It can be more expensive to spread a telebusiness staff across multiple offices. Decentralized models can create higher systems of cost, the need for additional phone switches, greater time requirements for management and human resources, a larger yet less productive telebusiness staff-the llist goes on.

The Bottom Line: Centralize
In the last ten years, there are many changes in the way telebusiness programs are handled. Today, telebusiness models are a topic at board meetings, where executives discuss telesales and telemarketing strategies. The resources dedicated to telebusiness operations have grown dramatically-especially in technology firms, where rapid sales growth is paramount. As a result, much greater attention is paid to the structure and management of telesales and telemarketing programs.
The advantages of a centralized telebusiness department are: effective management, clear internal communication, high morale, and successful division of labor and low systems of cost.

1. Is “clear communication” one of the advantages of a centralized business model?
2. What are the advantages of centralized telebusiness model? (at least three)
3. Is centralized model divided employees into two kinds of office?
4. How do we operate telebusinesss staff out of a single location?
5. What sort of model can create higher system of cost?
6. Does a centralized model spend much time in sales?
7. Why are telesales and telebusiness resources dedicated to technology firms?
8. According to the passage, is there a “low system cost” in a decentralized model?

Setting Goals

Businessman should know the power of setting goals. Setting goals make successful people. However, many people are afraid of setting goals. This is labeled as “Elephant Chains”. When someone learns these “Elephant Chains” he will unleash the success that is within him.

By deciding to set a company goal for –let say-monthly sales, businessmen concentrate on improving their business instead of just working for it. They have to look at the production costs, i.e. parts and direct labor costs, they also need to know what their overhead costs are.

By setting goals in businesses, businessmen will not only increase their sales but also find they key to their company’s continued growth in the future.

The goal period can be set for yearly sales. A businessman must give his employees as many opportunities to win as possible. How can a businessman set his business goal? The followings are the ways that can be used to exercise.

First, a businessman needs to know cost of direct labor for the month. This is the real cost, including tax, insurance, retirement and vacations.

Secondly, he needs the goal cost to the company of all of the parts that were used during the month to produce his product or service.

Now by adding his cost of parts together then taking this figure away from the month’s sales he will have his gross profit figure. As an example in a company with $20,000 in sales, a cost of labor of $6,000 and a cost of parts at $5,000, the gross profit will be $9,000 or 45%.

If he takes the above example, sales of $20,000, he divides this by the total number of invoices that he has produced during the month, let’s say 67, this gives him the average invoice, value of around $300. This figure is a very important one and can be used in a number of difference exercises when somebody is working on some company’s finances.

The last piece of the information jigsaw that he needs is the cost of the month’s overhead. This must include every cost to his business with the exception of direct labor and parts costs. In the example, let us say that our overhead cost us $8,000 per month.

He knows that his overhead $8,000 and his gross profit margin is 45% so he must sell $17,800 per month to break even. He also knows that if he invoices 60 jobs at an average value of $300, he will break even.

1. What does the writer think about people who are afraid of setting goals?
2. Does “the cost of labor” influence the gross profit?
3. Why should goals be broken down into short-term goals?
4. What is ‘elephant chains’?
5. What are some real costs for employees?
6. What do companies do to have their gross profit figure?
7. Is the meaning of ‘Weak even’ the same as ‘money loss’?
8. Find the word in the last paragraph that means “neither make profit nor lose some of money”.

The Secret of Skyrocketing Sales

There are secret to be successful in sales. The followings are 6 of them:

1. To set goals. All successful set long-term goals and then they break those goals do into short-term goals. Goals allow a businessman to remain focused, and the more focused he or she is, the more successful he will be. Here’s a tip from elephant chains, a success course to many of the world’s largest corporations: when someone sets any sales goals he needs to break them down into daily goals, then write that number down every morning.
2. To follow a sales procedure. All great doctors, great lawyers, great technicians and great sales people have one thing common. They all follow a procedure that includes asking questions and listening to the customer.
3. To offer people options. People love to buy but they hate to be sold. Movie theaters, grocery stores and clothing stores all understand the principle of options. Great sales people to do too. By offering options someone allows his customer to remain in controls and he allow the customer to compare one of his services to another one of his services rather than compare it to what his competitors offer.
4. To practice. All great athletes and sales people understand the principle the principle of what’s referred to as muscle memory. It’s conditioning them to the point whereas they don’t have to think about what to do next. If they are a prizefighter or sales professional, their reactions are instinctive and they happen automatically. Practicing sales techniques on co-workers rather than customers is recommended.
5. Never look at selling as “linking deals” or “getting the dollars”.
Obvious a salesperson has to have sales goals and has to pay attention to the numbers. The truly eat sales people sell with their hearts rather than with pens. When a salesperson truly cares about people, and when the customers realize the salesperson cares more about them than their money, then and only then will he have the opportunity to sell.
6. To follow up with each and every customer. General electric studies have found that word-of-mouth advertising is there to five times more effective than any other media. Referral customers come to a salesperson with many things, yet none is more important than a belief in him. Subsequently, one sure fire way of driving up sales is by driving up his number of referred customers.

1. Do you think the writer use these secrets to grow his own business?
2. Is daily goal more effective than monthly goal?
3. What is the advantage of setting goals?
4. Why does the writer suggest giving options to customers?
5. According to the writer, is practicing your sales techniques to the customers more important than practicing to co-workers?
6. What do you think the difference between long-term goals and short-term goals?
7. What does “offering options” mean?
8. What does the writer mean by “Never look at selling as “linking deals”?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Preventing Employees from Failing

Suspicion and dissatisfaction with an employee’s performance may create a ‘failure mindset’ of a manager toward employee. Time after time, this manager may stop believing in the employee and a cycle that revolves low morale, low performance and deterioration of performance starts.
A chain reaction begins to happen with this employee once the manager’s mentality changes toward him. First he might turn in a project that has been completed improperly. In response, the manager reprimands him. His self-confidence decreases which leads to a reduction in productivity. The more the manager disciplines and chastises him, the more his motivation is undermined. When people perceive chronic disapproval or lack of confidence and appreciation they tend to shut down.

Here is an example of the issue. John was the President of a small company and a client of mine. He hired a new controller for his company who seemed to be a sharp, loyal and ambitious professional. Two months into the relationship John started doubting the capabilities of his controller. He started communicating his frustration to his colleagues. When of one of his colleagues asked what went wrong he answered that the controller was still not up to speed and that he failed to prepare a very important report for him last month. John’s colleagues asked him if he had communicated or at least found out what happened with the controller. His answer was, “I hired him for that. He was supposed to know that I need that report for my board of directors.”

There are of course some possible solutions, but several things many managers try that actually make the situation worse are often carried out some of the thing are:

1. Requiring approval before making decisions. Becoming stricter with a troubled employee will only aggravate the situation. With employees who suffer from low self-esteem, having someone looking over their shoulder every step of the way is stressful and distracting. By allowing them to work on their own, the leader is breaking the thought pattern of “failure” and displaying the trust he has in his employee.
2. Avoiding face-to-face confrontations. Instead of dealing directly face-to-face with his employees he may choose to communicate his dissatisfaction or concern via email. But he should not fall into the temptation. Progressive leaders make the time and effort to Mo the right thing” and discuss issues in person with their employees. Granted, these discussions are no fun for anyone.
3. Allowing his perceptions to prevail. A perception about a situation sometimes is strong and it may end up with reality – whether it is true or not, it can create turbulence and a string of bad decisions. When a manager is dealing with a troubled employee – before he discusses the issue with the troubled employee. He usually bases his decisions on his perception and not necessarily the facts.
4. Low expectations. If he expects too little from his employee and he does not present new challenges, his employee will come to doubt his or her own thinking and his confidence in them. When they lose the confidence of their manager, only negative things follow.

1. If a manager reprimands an employee, will the employee’s self-confidence likely decrease?
2. What will happen when people perceive chronic disapproval?
3. Is avoiding face-to-face confrontation a solution to improve employee’s performance?
4. Why is John dissatisfied with his controller?
5. Do you think it is good for low self-esteem employees to always have approval before making decision in their work?
6. What does “do the right thing” in paragraph 4 mean?
7. Should manager lose his employees’ confidence?
8. What are the things that many managers try to make situation better but actually they make it worse?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nilai Mid Test Bahasa Inggris Fak Ekonomi Th 2009

Nilai Mid test bahasa inggris mahasiswa Universitas AKI Ngabang fakultas ekonomi semester 2 angkatan 2008

Nilai Mid test Pemasaran Internasional mahasiswa Universitas AKI Ngabang fakultas ekonomi semsester 6 angkatan 2006


Friday, July 10, 2009

Types of Computers

Digital and Analog
These two types of computers are very different; while the purpose of the digital computer is to count, the purpose of the analog computer is to measure. The digital computer is to count by utilizing series of digits to represents number by measuring succh things are electricity or temperature. The speedometer in a car work in much the same way as an analog computers works.

Compared to the analog computer, the digital computer is more accurate and veresatile. Unlike the digital computer, which has a very large number of applications in a variety of fields such as business and government, the analog computer is used mainly for scientific applications in laboratory environments.
Types of Digital Computer: Special Purpose and General Purpose
There are two types of digital computers – the special purpose and the general purpose computer. As its name implies, the special purpose computer is designed for a single and unique purpose. Examples of special computers are those in air traffic or military defense system. In contrast, the general purpose computer, as its name also implies, can have a variety of application in different areas. This is possible through the use of appropriate software, the same general purpose computer can be used for business, scientific, educational or even entertainment purposes.

Types of General Purposes Computers: Micros, Minis, and Mainframes
General purposes computers are also divided into diffferent types, depending upon the computer’s power, speed and size. There are three main types of general purposes computers – the small micro computer, the medium size mini computer, and the large mainframe. In spite of the fact that these computers are different, they all have the same basic components-a processor unit, input and output devices and secondary or auxiliary storage units. All computers also carry out the same basic functions.

The Micro Computers or the Personal Computer
The micro computer or personal computer is the smallest of all general purpose computers. The personal computer is designed to be used by only one person at a time. These computers are also “desk top” computers and are able to fit on top of a desk or a table. While personal computers may vary in size, most are fairy portable and can be carried from place to place. The micro computer is also designed to be “user friendly”, that is easily understood and operated by the average person. Micros are currently used for different purposes for many fields including business, the home and education. In business, personal computer can do many things, including computing payrolls, predicting a company’s future growth by carrying out complex analysis with financial planning programs, and producing colorful charts and graphs. In the home micros can be used for such things are balancing check books, typing letters, or playing games. Educational uses of micros include computer assisted instruction (CAI), which help artists draw pictures and musicians compose music.

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. What are the characteristics of digital computer?
2. Compare and contrast the analog and the digital computer!
3. What are the differences between special purpose and general purpose computer?
4. How are general purpose computers divided into?
5. What is meant by “user friendly”?
6. How is micro computer used in business. home and education? Give example?
7. What is the other name for micro computer?
8. How many types of computers are there?
9. What does CAI stand for?
10. What are the same basic components of general purpose computers?


Software, as it comes to be known, refers to the programs, that is the intagible components. The terms “software” is opposed to hardware as its counterpart, which refers to the physical components of the computer.
In designing a conputer system, there are a few procedures that should be followed. For instance, in a large system, such as one in a bank, the system is further divided into smaller program modules. Each modules performs a specific tasks. There is a module for individual customer accounts, another for corporate accounts, still another for employee payroll and so on. Each of these modules is then assigned to aprogrammer.

The programmer determines an algorithm, a series of steps to accomplish a given task. The next procedure is to design a program flowchart, that is a diagram of steps involved, using a template. Finally, from the program flowchart, the program is encoded into program instructions. These instructions will be used by computer to execute the program.

One important thing to consider is that each modules has to be debugged. During the design process, there are countless ways that bugs may creep in. For instance, the programmer may make a syntax error in a statement. In this case, the computer-a program which translates all the statements into machine language – will print a diagnostic message upon recognizing the incorrect syntax. The translation of all statements into machine language as previously stated is done in the compiulation run. The O’s and 1’s of the machine language are used by the CPU to execute the program.

A prepared test data is used to debug a program. When all smaller modules are properly running, they are grouped together, tested as a single module, and debugged. Once the overall program is working properly, then it is ready to go on line.
However, not all program are written this way. Programs are not always broken down into modules. There is one more important step, program should be debugged. Without documentation describing the system, further modification is very difficult.

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. What is the difference between “software” and “hardware”?
2. What is the Indonesian word for “still”? (paragraph two)
3. What is meant by an alogaritm?
4. What can a program flowchart be designed?
5. On what basis are the program instructions made?
6. Why should a program be debugged?
7. What will print a disgnostic message?
8. When will a diagnostic message be printed?
9. How is a program debugged?
10. What is the last important thing about programming? why is it important?

Indosat - Net

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Indosat-net. In this opportunity. I would like to tell you a little bit about Internet.
Internet is highly sophisticated means of communication. It is actually a combined use of computer and telephone. You have to install a modem in your computer of particular configuration , say window 95. After this session, our staff will show you how to install a modem. Let us now focus our attention to some termonologies that are used in Internet. You may know English well; but I think you will find it hard to understand special terms without explanation from the experts.

First, let me tell you the difference between dial-up and dedicated. The term dial-up means that you pay the bill depending on how often you make use of the internet; while dedicated means that you will have to pay a particular amount of money regardless of how often you use the Internet. Which one is better?

Next is WWW. It stands for World Wide Web. This facility can access information in the form of multimedia (text, picture, and voice). The advantages of using WWW include (1) the information is up to date), represented in various media, so that the user can easily make use of the information; (2) the user get the impression that he or she is really facing the things without directly seeing them. This is because of the multimedia.
Now, what is E-Mail (Electronic Mail)?. Linguistically it means a mail which is sent electronically. With this facility, you can just type the letter then press S-Key (send) or any other key depending on your internet system. Sending a mail from Semarang to Brisbane takes only 3 or 4 seconds.

Next is what is called newsgroup. This facility can be used for group discussion through internet. The user can select his or own group, even he or she can decide the issues and types of discussion. This facility, I think, has something to do with IRC (Internet Relay Chat). IRC, as it is called, is another type of communication without limit of distance, time, and place. The user can communnicates with other users of different continents with local pulses.
IRC has been developed into voice communication. Even now, it has become what is called video conference with some advantages, such as (1) global communication, meaning that we can communicate with anybody with local pulses; (2) meeting or conferencecan be held witghout limit of time, place, and distance, even betweeen continents; and (3) the user can “attend” in a lot conferences.

Finally, let us talk about Telnet. This facility enables a user to operate computer without being in front of them. The advantage of this facility is that a user should not move from place to another in order to operate a lot of computers. For example, a boss can control the book keeping computer at this office from his house. Therefore, he saves his time and transportation expenses. That’s all what I can say. Do you have any questions?

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. What should you install in your computer bedore you can get access to internet?
2. What is the difference between dial-up networking and dedicated networking?
3. What can you do with WWW facility?
4. What is meant by IRC?
5. What can a user do with IRC?
6. What is the latest development or IRC?
7. What about the fee for IRC?
8. What facility is best for a boss? why?
9. What is good about E-Mail?
10. What is bad about E-Mail?

Fill the blanks with suitable words from the list below.
10. SAVE

1. Changing the ... means changing the size of the letters.
2. You can use the ... key to cancel the menu
3. The ... menu is used to cancel the previous command.
4. Wrongly typed words can be deleted by pressing the ... key.
5. Pressing the ... key along with typing a letter will result in a capital letter.
6. Blocking in wordstar in similar to ... (ing) in WP or MsWORD.
7. If you want to check the spelling, you will have to use the ... menu.
8. Do not forget to ... your document for future use.
9. If the ... key is off, you always overwrite the bext letter.
10. To ... means ti wipe out all files in the directory.

Translate the text into good Indonesian.
Internet, which stands for International Network, has become one of the most sophicticated means of communication. It is a combined use of computer and telephone. Another similar means of telecommunication is called facsimile, a combined use of telephone and photocopier.

Computer Literacy

Computer are everywhere. There is one in every digital watch and every pocket calculator. New cars, television sets, microwave ovens, and typewriters often have computers. Without computers, there would be no video games and no electronic toys. At the office, computers help people type, file information, and send messages back and forth. In the factory, computers guide robot arms that build cars.

Computers are making revolutionary changes in the way we life, play and work. Are these good changes? some people worry that we may become slaves to this new machine, totally dependent on it and no longer in control of our lives. Others see a brighter future in which people are masters and machines are helpers. Which future will actually happen?

The answer to that question depends on what you decide to do about the computer. You can decide that computers are too difficult and leave the whole subjects in the hands of the “experts”. Or you can decide to learn about computers and take control of them yourself. In other words, you can become computer literate.

It took you may years to master the skills of reading and writing, but these skills give you freedom. You do not have to depend on others to read street sign for you, or to tell you the latest news, or to write letters to friends or representatives in congress. You do not have to trust experts, you are literate. In the same way, your “math literacy” gives you freedom. You do not have to trust a math expert to tell you wheter three oranges for 80 cents is better buy than one orange for 25 cents. You are in control.

Computer literacy is like these other skills: it takes time and practice to learn, but it puts you in control of the computer expert. When you become computer literate, you will know two important things: (1) What things a computer can do and (2) how to do the things you want it to do.


1. A computer should take control of by human
2. Technology is changing over time in line with human needs
3. The train in Japan is almost never late. It has a tight and computer schedule
4. The difficulty of learning computer is how to tell the computer to do things we like it to do
5. The people in our computer industry are very professional

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. What happens if there are no computers?
2. What can a computer do at the office?
3. What does “this new machine” refer to?
4. In what way can literacy give you freedom? give examples.
5. What can you do if you are computer literate?

The Difference Between Managing and Leading

What’s the difference between leading and managing employees? and what does the role as a leader now encompass? leaders are the heart of a business. The essence of leadership means inspiring a group to come together for a common goal. leders motivate, console and work with people to keep them bonded and eager to move forward. That means setting a direction, communicating it to everyone who will listen (and probably many who won’t) and keeping people psyched when times get tough.

Managers are the brains of a business. They establish systems, create rules and operating procedures, and put into place incentive programs and the like. Management, however, is about the business, not the people; the people are important as a way of getting the job done.
Most business executives and owners have a mix of management and leadership skills. Both skill sets are necessary to rim a successful business (unless it is a very small business with people who naturally mesh very well). Leadership skills provide the direction, while management skills provide the systems that let a company grow with success.

Only the top executives can set direction in a company. Setting direction is different from setting goals. A goal is concrete and measurable, for example: “we must sell 10 widgets by next Tuesday.” Direction is broader. Leaders set direction with a vision, a mission and operating principles that embody the company’s direction and values.
For instance, a mission statement for the imaginary Personal Assistants Inc. Company might sound like this: “We free people from life’s drudgery, freeing them to live a life of doing only the things they do best.” This mission doesn’t give measurable goals, but rather points to an overall direction-it gets people excited and moving in one direction.
As a business owner, someone should know his business’s direction. It might be broad, sweeping and world shattering. Or it might be smaller and local: “Smith Tailors make our customers look their best in their daily and business lives. “ But know his job to set the direction for everyone around him and communicate it well.

People sometimes forget a company’s direction in the heat of excitement over a new idea or market development. It it happens once or twice, it’s not a problem. But too many diversions can cause a company to lose focus and end up serving many different customers, in which none of them well.
A business owner’s job is to bring people back to the company direction gently and consistently and always challenge them to evaluate ideas and decisions with respect to the decision. If personal assistants propose asking clients to give 24-hour notice when they have a project, the leader simply asks: Does this help us free clients from drudgery or make more for them? The team can then decide (or even ask customers) wheter the suggestion aligns with mission.
1. What is the essence of leadership?
2. Do management and leadership skills always come together in a succesful business?
3. Who is the heart of a product?
4. Is “widgets” a name of a product?
5. Should a business owner know much about business derection?
6. What are the responsibilities of a leader?
7. What should a manager be capable of as the brain of a business?
8. Which one is the most important thing in management, “people” or “business”?
9. Mention the two skills necessary to achieve a successful business!
10. What is the difference between goals and direction?

Knowing The Market

A sound marketing plan is key to the success of someone’s business. It should include a market research, locations, customer groups who are targeted, competition, positioning, the product or service which is pricing, advertising and promotion.
Derek Hansen, founder of American capital Access says that someone is in business to serve customers’ needs. If he is not sensitive to customers, he doesn’t know who his customerss are, how to reach them and, most of all, what will convince them to buy his product nor service, he should get help.

Before developing a plan, a businessman must do homework. Effective marketing, planning and promotion begin with factual information about the market place. He should visit his local library, talk to customers, study the advertising of other business es in his community (including that of his competition) and consult with any related industry associations.
Once he has all the necessary information, it is time to put his plan down on paper. It should accomplish the following:
1. Defining business. A manager should define his business by determining the products (goods and service), the geographic marketing area neighbourhood, regional or national. He also needs to know his competition, how he differs from his competition , his prices, his methods of promotion distribution both of his business and his competitors.
2. Definition customers. A complete understanding of the customers is necessary. A businessman needs to know his customers based on age, sex and also income. He also needs to know how the customers learn about his products wheter by advertising, direct mail, word-of-mouth, or perhaps Yellow Pages. The other important thing about the customers is the customers’ value on products such as convenience, service, reliability, availability, affordability etc.

The final component in his marketing plan should be his overall promotional objectives. They include communicating his message, creating and awareness of his product or service, motivating customers to buy and increasing sales.
Objectives make it easy to design an effective campaign and help him keep that campaign on the right track. These objectives will also help to choose the method that will be most effective.

1. How can a businessman make a sound marketing plan?
2. Does the third paragraph tell about doing a survey to evaluate the market?
3. When we want to set up our marketing plan, is it necessary to consider our competitors’?
4. What does “it” in the first line of paragraph 1 refer to?
5. To define the costumers, should we know their potential share?
6. According to the second paragraph, what are the important things should bussinessmen know to serve the customers’ need?
7. What does the writer suggest to get factual information about the market place?
8. Give some examples of “television advertising” about product?
9. What do we do to promote our business objective?
10. What is the final component of a marketing plan?

What Makes a Great Manager?

The first step to becoming a really great manager is simply common sense: but common sense is not very common. This article suggests some common-sense ideas on the subject of great management.

The major prombel when someone starts to manage is that he/she does not actually think about management issues nbecause he or she doesn not recognize them. Put simply, things normally go wrong not because he is stupid but only because he has never thought about them. Management is sbout pausing to ask the right questions so that someone’s common sense can provide the answers.

When someone gains managerial responsibility, his first option is the easy option: he should do what is expected of him. He is new at the job, so people will understand. He can learn (slowly) by his mistakes and probably he will try to devote as much time as possible to the rest work (which is what he was good at anyway). Those exra little “management” problems are just common sense, so he should try to deal with them when they come up.

His seccond option is far moreexciting: he can become a Super Manager. When he becomes a manager, he gains control over his own work; not all of it, but some of it. He can change things. He can do things differently. He actually has the authority to make a huge impact upon the way in which his staff works. He can shape his own work environment.

In a large company, his option may be limited by the existing corporate culture – and therefore he should act like a crab: face directly into the main thrust of corporate policy, and makes changes sideways. He doesn’t want to fight the system, but rather to work better within it. In a small company, his options are possible much wider (since custom is often less rigid) and the impact that he and his team have upon the company’s success is proportionately much greater. Thus once he starts working well, this will be quickly recognized and nothing gains faster approval than success. But wherever he works, he should not be put off by the surprise colleagues will show when he first gets serious about managing well.

A manager of a small team has three major roles to play:
 A manager is a planner. A manager has to take a long-term view; indeed, the higher he rises, the further he will have to look. While a team member will be working towards known and established goals, the manager must look further ahead so that these goals are selected wisely.
 A manager is a provider. A manager has access to information and materials, nwhich the team needs. Often he/she has the authority of influence to acquire things which no one else in the team could. This role for the manager is important simply because no one else can do the job.
 A manager is a protector. The team needs security from the vagaries of less enlightened managers. In any company, there are short-term excitements that can deflect the work force from the important issues. The manager should be there to guard against these and to protect the team.

1. Should a manager recognize the management issues to manage the company?
2. What are the two options to be responsible manager?
3. Should a manager look further ahead than his staff?
4. Why does the writer suggest us to act like a crab?
5. What is a manager responsible for as a protector?
6. What are the roles of a manager?
7. Does a manager control his environment totally?
8. What do you call somebody who has to provide something to fulfil the team needs?

Taking Responsibility-Leadership

People tend to blame each other when they are asked why thin weren’t progessing as planned. Intellectuals know that blaming others for bad circumstances is not a healthy habit. Why do people do this? what positive result does it bring? why is it so hard to stop? Wouldn’t they be better off it they ceased and desisted?

Blamming others is one of the worst things someone can do in relation to emotional integrity. It is distantly related to an addiction. Pretty soon almost everything that does not happen according to his liking becomes someone else’s fault.

If someone wants to become a progessive leader – if excellence and success is his motto in life – then blaming others cannot be tolerated. There are several steps to help people overcome the blaming addiction and take responsibility for themselves. They are:
 Be aware. Too often someone falls to notice that he is playing the blame game. It’s a natural defence mechanism. Paying attention to how he responds when he is quistioned about his actions or performance is the first step in taking responsibility.
 Respond responsibly. Just as blaming is a defensive more, so is reacting. Rather than react – he should respond. He has a choice of reacting impulsively or responding cautiously to the situation.
 Be honest. Let’s face it – some people simply like to place blame in order to be relieved of responsibility. That shows a huge lack of self – honesty.
 Don’t burn bridges. What happens to relationships when someone places from his co-workers, peers, vendors and others by pointing fingers.
 Be a good role model. When others see someone accepting responsibility for his actions – and when they see the extraordinary results he is getting – he makes the statement that blame placing is not acceptable behaviour.
 Have a positive and grateful attitude. Being a progressive leader means being a highly effective leader, and accepting nothing less than excellence from someone and others.

1. Revolve : Berkisar, berputar
2. Admit : Mengakui
3. Revive : Tumbuh lagi, bangun kembali, giat lagi
4. Refugee : Pengungsi
5. Coach : Melatih
6. Revelation : Wahyu, Petunjuk
7. Cease : Berhenti
8. Desisted : Diberhentikan
9. Integrity : Ketulusan hati, kejujuran, nintegritas
10. Defensive : Sifat bertahan
11. Relieve : Meringankan
12. React : Bereaksi
13. Alienate : Mengasingkan diri, menjauhkan diri
14. Peer : Kawan sebaya, kawan sekerja
15. Extraordinary : Luar biasa

1. According to the writer, is blaming others a healthy habit?
2. What do you think the job of the writer
3. Can blaming others be tolerated?
4. How many steps are there to overcome the blaming addiction?
5. Should a personnel respond to some questions of his actions if he takes the responsibility?
6. What may happen to someone when he or she places blame to others?
7. Can placing blame on others relieve us from responsibility?
8. What do the most people do to relieve us from responsibility?
9. Find the word or phrases that means, “to do something that you can’t change?
10. Should a manager be thankful to his staff?